[[short story]] or [[long story]][[dropkick nerd]][[help nerd]][[keep silent]]or [[tell]][[give m&m]]or [[highfive]][[listen to music]][[detention]]or[[inschool]][[nerd's alergic to choclate]][[broke nerd's finger]][[take to hospital]] or [[walk away]][[give epepen]]or[[don't]][[metal]] or [[country]][[system of a down]][[johnny cash]][[toxcity]][[ring of fire]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.[[saved a life and made a friend]][[they died]][[find out they come from a rich famliy and heavly awared]][[got a hit on you hired by the family of the nerd you let die.Got glocked]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.[[take money]]or [[refuse money]][[got paid a one million bucks in cash]][[the famliy respects your refusal and asks you if you want to go to their vacation home]][[bought a house next to them and become great friends]][[yes or no]][[yes]][[find out it's not a house it's a yahet and you live with them happily]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.